Investing in networks: international networks

European University Hospitals Alliance (EUHA)

All over Europe big university hospitals are confronted with the same challenged. UZ Leuven joined the European University Hospitals Alliance (EUHA) to stand stronger together. Two leanding hospitals, Vall d’Hebron (Barcelona) and Karolinska (Sweden), took the initiative to select ten university hospitals that met a number of requirements, such as having more than a thousand beds, and distinguishing themselves in research and training. Apart from an exchange of knowledge, the organisation also strives to work in Europe on developing a type of healthcare than can handle the challenges of the future. 

European reference networks (ERNs)

There is no country that has the knowledge and capacity to treat all rare and complex diseases or to diagnose all rare disorders. European reference networks (ERNs) are innovative virtual platforms that have to enable an exchange of expertise and life-saving knowledge, without doctors and patients having to travel to another country. UZ Leuven joined the European reference networks, to give patients with a rare disease the best care and to provide new treatments. Via the future pact that Belgium has made with the pharmaceutical industry, patients get access to the newest treatments. 

Last edit: 24 march 2021