- Alles over kanker
- ALS liga
- Aortadissectie
- Belgische vereniging voor Longfibrose vzw
- BOKS, Belgian organisation for children and adults with a metabolic disease
- Brailleliga
- BVSM: Belgian organisation against cystic fibrosis
- CCV, Crohn en colitis patientenvereniging
- Coma België: support centre for non-congenital brain damage, coma and CVA
- COPD vzw
- Darmwereld vzw
- DEBRA, patient organisation for epidermolysis bullosa
- de Maretak vzw, organisation for chronic pain patients
- Endometriose Stichting: organisation for endometriosis patients
- EnVie: for people in Oost Vlaams-Brabant with or after breast cancer
- Expertisecentrum Dementie Vlaanderen
- Fragiel: organisation for patients with the fragile X-syndrome
- HALO: self-help group for heart/lung and lung transplants
- HARPA: organisation for and of heart patients in Leuven/sportkot Heverlee
- Hartekinderen vzw
- Hatractief: self-help group for people with a heart transplant
- Jong Dementie
- Gezin en Handicap, for parents and relatives of a disabled child
- Kinderkanker Leuven Oudervereniging vzw
- Kleine Prins vzw
- Kom op tegen kanker
- KVG: Katholieke Vereniging Gehandicapten
- LCH-Belgium: organisation for patients with Langerhans Cel Histiocytosis
- Leuvense levertransplanten vzw: self-help group for liver transplantation
- 't Lichtpuntje: organisation of and for chronic pain patients
- LotUZ: Life after an allogeneic stem cell transplant
- Met lege handen: organisation for parents of a deceased baby
- MS-Liga Vlaanderen
- NEMA: children with muscular disorders (neuromuscular disorders)
- Orka (reumanet)
- Oudervereniging voor nierpatiëntjes (OVNP)
- Patiëntenvereniging Ichthyosis België vzw
- Piekernie: organisation for people with spinal cord injury
- PH: patient organisation for pulmonary hypertension
- Pouch.nl: Dutch forum for patients with a pouch
- ReumaNet
- Sofhea: social fund for haematological disorders
- Stoma Ilco: support group for for people with a stoma bag
- Stichting tegen Kanker
- Stoma ilco vzw: support group for people with a stoma bag
- VAGA: organisation for congenital craniofacial disorders
- Vebes: support group for the visually impaired and blind
- Vereniging voor sarcoïdosepatiënten
- VFG: organisation for disabled people
- VHC: organisation for hepatitis C patients
- Vlaamse Diabetesvereniging
- Vlaamse Liga Tegen Kanker
- VVOC: Flemish organisation for parents with incubator children
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