Key figures 2024

Together, our 10,000 staff ensured the smooth running of over 782,000 consultations, some 137,000 (day) admissions and nearly 57,000 surgical procedures.

Admissions, interventions and consultations


surgical procedures
In 2024, 56,917 surgical procedures were performed. This is about 1,000 fewer than in 2023. An average of 227 surgeries were performed per operating working day in 2024, of which 141 were performed in day hospital surgery.


In 2024, 387 organs were transplanted at UZ Leuven, or 32,7% of all transplanted organs in Belgium. This makes UZ Leuven the largest of the 8 transplant centres in Belgium.

Of the 121 kidney transplants, 21 were via living donation. A total of 149 lungs were transplanted during 74 double and 1 single lung transplants. There were also 77 liver transplants, 34 heart transplants, 4 pancreas transplants and 2 colon transplants.

In most recipients, 1 organ was transplanted. In 16 patients, a combined transplant of 2 organs was performed, 1 patient underwent a transplant of 3 organs and 1 patient even received 4 organs transplanted. With 18 combined organ transplants in 2024, UZ Leuven performed 54.5% of all combined transplants in Belgium.

Oncology - Leuven Cancer Institute (LCI)

As in previous years, these oncology figures 2024 are based on the number of patients with oncological problems (both diagnosed and suspected). In principle, UZ Leuven uses figures determined according to OECI definitions, taking into account only patients with a confirmed diagnosis. Due to a delay in the registration of hospital data, these figures are not available in time and we therefore provide here the figures according to the same method as previous years.

Medical-technical interventions and examinations

910 clinical studies

In clinical trials - scientific research on humans - researchers and patients work together to find better diagnostic tools, new insights and innovative treatments.

In 2024, 910 new studies were notified to the clinical trial centre (CTC) at UZ Leuven, including 279 commercial studies, 488 academic studies and 143 studies involving human body material.



At the end of 2024, UZ Leuven had 10,001 employees or 8,521 full-time equivalents.

Age distribution



  • 61.5%

  • 27.1%

  • 9%

    public transport
  • 2.4%

    bike & public transport
  • In 2024, 61.5% of UZ Leuven employees came to work by car. The percentage of employees coming by bike has more than doubled over the past 10 years: meanwhile, 27% of our employees already commute to work by bike.

    In 2024, 9% of employees took public transport. In total, 38.5% of employees came to work by bike and/or public transport on a regular basis.

    UZ Leuven promotes sustainable means of transport by offering its employees a bicycle allowance and free public transport.

    Features KU Leuven

    The above figures do not include the annual figures of KU Leuven. We provide here another brief overview of the key figures of KU Leuven, to highlight the strong relationship between UZ Leuven and KU Leuven.


    employees KU Leuven


    Admissions full hospitalisation2,6481,1121,536
    Nursing days hospitalisation107,15672,74434,412
    Nursing days day admission39,08917,34521,744
    Beds occupied29319994
    Physician consultations26,8489,11417,734
    Consultations non-medical staff13,9884,9069,082
    Consultations at the emergency room4,088-4,088
    Consultations conventions9,2593,1826,077
    Care contacts mobile teams14,43210,0074,425
    Last edit: 27 february 2025