Research Foundation allocates 15 mandates to Leuven clinical researchers

3 july 2020

At the end of June the Research Foundation announced the names of the researchers granted a basic clinical mandate. Of the new mandates 5 out of 8 allocated basic clinical mandates went to UZ Leuven/KU Leuven researchers. Also for the mandates granted an extension, the Leuven researchers did well: no less than 10 out 15 renewed appointments went to a UZ Leuven/KU Leuven clinical researcher.

Klinisch onderzoek

A basic clinical mandate supports doctors and researchers aspiring a translational research career. 

A basic clinical mandate supports doctors and researchers aspiring a career in translational research. The mandate gives them the possibility to be exempt from clinical duties to do research and this for a period of 5 years. The mandates can be extended twice.

Prof. dr. Gert Van Assche, medical director UZ Leuven: “The nice rating for Leuven clinical researchers proves that translational research thrives here. This is one of our strengths as a university hospital. Translational research is the essential link between basic research in the lab and clinical research aimed at patient care.”

The Scientific Research Fund (FWO) is one of the most important Flemish financing institutions for basic and strategic research. 

New FWO clinical mandates June 2020

  • Next generation-pathology in translational research: on the road to the implementation of digitisation and multiplexing in the clinical practice
    Prof. dr. Francesca Maria Bosisio

  • Translational research into adenosine deaminase type 2-deficiency
    Prof. dr. Isabelle Meyts

  • Importance of reliable diagnostics of myometrial lesions by way of ultrasound and liquid biopsy biomarkers in the clinical gynaecological practice
    Dr. Thierry Van den Bosch

  • Predicting genetic markers in gynaecological cancers: how to improve targeted therapy 
    Prof. dr. Toon Van Gorp

  • Diet as a treatment for patients with chronic gastroenteritis 
    Dr. João Pedro Guedelha Sabino

Renewed FWO clinical mandates June 2020

  • Childhood trauma as a crucial development stressor: the linke between neurobiological changes, psychological mechanisms and exertion-related neutral plasticity  
    Prof. dr. Ruud van Winkel
  • Improving counseling for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by studying new loci and the clinical utility of known loci and by data-driven research into 3D facial characteristics determined by major gene effects
    Prof. dr. Hilde Peeters
  • The fight against neuromuscular dysfucntion acquired during an intensive care stay and its long-term impact 
    Prof. dr. Greet Hermans
  • Breast cancer biology and ageing  
    Prof. dr. Hans Wildiers
  • Implantable hearing solutions: translational insights of cochleair mechanics, imaging and bio-sensors
    Prof. dr. Nicolas Verhaert
  • Towards improved clinical care and outcome for obese pregnant women and pregnancies after obesity surgery 
    Prof. dr. Roland Devlieger
  • Stem cell therapy during normothermic machine perfusion preservation of livers to, on the one hand, improve the results of tranplantation and on the other the clinical application of this technology to safely transplant high-risk livers 
    Prof. dr. Diethard Monbaliu
  • Structural and immunopathological organisation of the failing lung in CLAD and pulmonary cGvHD: both different or both the same?  
    Prof. dr. Robin Vos
  • Identifying new risk factors for sudden death to improve the selection of patients for internal defibrillator implants.  
    Prof. dr. Rik Willems
  • Unraveling the role of immuno-suppressive mechanisms and the microbiome in the development of colorectal polyps and cancer 
    Prof. dr. Xavier Sagaert

More information?

Read more about the basic clinical mandates on the website of the Research Foundation.

Last edit: 26 february 2021