From the support services of KU Leuven and UZ Leuven:
- The general director of LRD and representatives appointed by LRD (Paul Van Dun/Esther Buytaert)
- Head of the Legal team CTC and head of the legal team UZ Leuven (Jean-Jacques Derèze/Christine Mathieu)
- Chair of the EC Research and a staf member (Minne Casteels and Ruth Storme)
- DPO UZ Leuven
- DPO KU Leuven (or a member of the PRET team) in the handling of cases by DAC that go via PRET (Valérie Verbist or Laurens Vangeel)
- Head of Scientific Integrity and Ethics of DOC and a staf member (Inge Lerouge/Wouter Vandevelde)
Domain knowledge experts: appointed by the Academic Council upon nomination by the DPB:
- Clinical Genetics
- AI Expertise
- Oncology Expertise
- Reserve expertise: n, to be added upon nomination by the DPB and appointed by the Academic Council
Last edit:
27 october 2023