DAC application form for third party researchers

Applications for access to data can be submitted at any time. The Data Access Committee will consider applications on a rolling basis and aim to provide a decision within a reasonable period of time.
Requested dataset(s)
Details of applicants
About research project

Please provide a clear description of the project and its specific aims in at most 750 words. This should include specific details of what you plan to do with the data. Include key references. Please make sure to include information regarding all diseases, conditions, and traits you are interested at, the cohorts you are working with, your genotyping/ sequencing strategy, and the ways by which you plan to compare the KUL/UZ data to other datasets.

Please describe fully your experience and expertise, and that of your collaborators, and how this will be applied to the proposed study. The committee needs assurance of competence in handling datasets of this size and nature.

Do you foresee any ethical issues, such as potential stigmatization or defamation of any ethnic or cultural group, arising as a result of your research? Does your study have the potential to generate results that are politically or culturally sensitive? If so, please elaborate and provide details on how to you plan to address such issues.

If different from requestor

Last edit: 9 November 2023