Adults are admitted to this geriatric rehabilitation ward:
- From 75 years of age with complex care needs for general rehabilitation (e.g. after a long-term stay in intensive care, surgery, etc.) or rehabilitation after a fracture (e.g. after a hip fracture)
- From 70 years of age for rehabilitation after a non-congenital brain injury (NCBI).
Visiting hours
Visits are possible every day at set times:
- Weekdays: from 16:00 to 20:00
- Weekends: from 14:00 to 20:00
Come with a maximum of 2 visitors at a time. Minor children belonging to the patient's family do not count towards this number.
Limit your visit to 2 hours.
Avoid visiting when you yourself are sick.
In a double room, both patients may receive visitors at the same time. Make arrangements with each other to avoid large crowds in the room.
Head nurse: Mia Van der Velpen
Requirement for referral (internal and external): for admission to the geriatric rehabilitation ward, pre-emptive applications are required from three different residential care homes.
Patients not yet admitted to UZ Leuven
For patients not yet admitted to UZ Leuven, an application for admission to rehabilitation can be made using the document below.
- Fill in the admission application form for the rehabilitation ward (pdf)
- Send the completed application form to
- The supervising physician will contact you to discuss your application
Admitted patients
For patients already admitted to UZ Leuven, transfers to the geriatric rehabilitation ward are arranged via the Geriatric Support Team for non-geriatric departments or through the attending team of a geriatric department.
The multidisciplinary team of the geriatric rehabilitation ward consists of a geriatrician, a trainee geriatrician, the nursing team, a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, and a social worker. The dietitian, psychologist, pastor, and several dedicated volunteers are also closely associated with the ward. Read more about the different roles of the rehabilitation team.
The various team members meet weekly to discuss the patient.
Speaking with a doctor
Family members can request an appointment with the doctor through the nursing team of the ward: 016 33 83 00.
Discharge planning is an ongoing process conducted in consultation with the patient and their family, beginning upon admission to the geriatric rehabilitation ward. The entire team is involved in the patient’s discharge.
A follow-up consultation is arranged post-discharge as part of stroke rehabilitation (GIRA).