New EUHA position paper highlights the role of university hospitals in sustainable care

11 September 2024
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Campus Gasthuisberg

This week the  European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA), a network of 10 of the largest university hospitals in Europe, published its position paper 'Rethinking Healthcare Systems'. Among other things, the paper pushes forward three key action points to ensure the future of European healthcare:

  • Increased funding for reform projects
  • Simplifying EU regulations to promote innovation Vereenvoudiging van EU-regelgevingen om innovatie te bevorderen 
  • Stimulating collaboration between healthcare providers at European level 
it is important for university hospitals to play a leading role to make the transition a success.
Em. prof. Walter Sermeus

Em. Prof. Walter Sermeus, associate with the Leuvens Instituut voor Gezondheidszorgbeleid (KU Leuven) and chairman of the hospital network Plexus, represented Leuven in the advice council for this position paper: "The EUHA position paper comes at a good time. On the one hand healthcare systems are grappling with a shortage of healthcare workers and on the other there is a rising demand for care. The paper sets out a clear vision for the future of our healthcare system. Redefining the role of hospitals in crucial in this. It is important that university hospitals, including UZ Leuven, take on a leading role, based on research, innovation and practice to make the transition a success. This transformation is crucial for building futureproof, resilient and sustainable healthcare systems throughout the whole of Europe." 

Last edit: 18 October 2024