Study about infertility with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

You are between 22 and 42 years old and you don’t use hormonal anticonception or an IUD? Then you can contribute to a better understanding of infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Criteria for participation

U can participate to this study if you:

  • Are between 20 and 42 years old
  • Do not use an IUD
  • Do not smoke
  • Are not pregnant and have not breast fed during the past 2 months
  • Did not use hormonal or steroid medication during the past 3 months

A compensation is foreseen.

Practical information

The study consists of 1 visit to the fertility centre of UZ Leuven and includes:

  • A general medical and gynaecological examination
  • A fasting blood sample
  • A biopsy from the endometrium


If you are interested or for additional information, please contact

Last edit: 28 may 2024