Functiemetingen 6
Are you a Mynexuzhealth user? Make your own appointment via the mynexuzhealth website or via the appointment module in the mynexuzhealth app.
Not yet a mynexuzhealth user? Request an appointment online.
+32 16 34 34 81 - weekdays from 08:00 to 17:00
Medical prescription required
You will always need a prescription from your doctor for this test. Bring this prescription with you on the day of the test.
- Do not smoke for 4 hours before the test.
- Certain medications must not be taken prior to the test. Your doctor will inform you about this.
Duration: 75 minutes
- A staff member checks your baseline lung function (spirometry) before starting the test.
- You then inhale various concentrations of histamine vapour.
- After each nebulisation, the baseline lung function is measured.
- The test ends when all concentrations have been administered, or if a specific reaction in the airways is triggered.
- A bronchodilator will then be given to you using a spacer (plastic reservoir between the mouth and the inhaler).
Based on the airway response, it will be determined whether asthmatic symptoms (coughing and breathlessness) can be induced.