Register a study

User guide

Applicant details

Please note that the applicant will also be registered as the principal investigator in case of a case report.

Types of studies
Indicate the type of study
Unsure if the study falls outside the described legislation? First contact before completing the application form.
Prospective study
Choose your type of prospective study
Is involvement of UZ Leuven supporting departments needed to execute the study?
Specify which service you want to use.
PET-CT, bone scan
Do NOT indicate Biobank under CTR when the human biological material will only be used in the future for scientific research on the same disease, the same treatment, or the same medication as those being investigated in the current clinical trial.
Please contact them on +32 16 34 20 20.
Has the UZ Leuven researcher been appointed as national coordinator?
This is only possible in multicentre studies.

(e.g. academic studies: monitoring, safety reporting; commercial studies: assistance with national legislation, ethics committee submission...)

Who will be responsible for taking out study insurance in accordance with Belgian regulatory requirements?
Clinical trial (CTR)
Will the human body material (HBM) collected in this clinical trial be used only for future scientific research into the same disease, treatment or medicine being investigated in the current clinical trial?
NO biobank approval required.
DOES require biobank approval.
Study with in vitro medical device (= performance study) under IVDR


View the complete workflow (pdf).

Study out of scope of IVDR follows the flow of an experiment or HBM.

Academic or commercial
Type of academic performance study with in vitro medical device
Flow 6: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 6: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 6: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 6: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Type of commercial performance study with in vitro medical device
Flow 5: Validation of the FAMHP (FAGG) validation and opinion of the EC 2017
Flow 6: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 6: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 6: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 6: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
With in vitro medical device
Clinical research with medical device (MDR)
With CE marking
Flow 1: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 2: Validation of the FAMHP (FAGG) and opinion of the EC 2017
Flow 3: Only EC 2004 (Experiments Act)
Flow 3: Only EC 2004 (Royal Decree Clinical Research)
Without CE marking
Flow 1: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 1: Consolidated opinion of the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 4: Separate opinion of both the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
Flow 4: Separate opinion of both the FAMHP (FAGG) and EC 2017
With medical device
Retrospective study
Time period for data collection for retrospective analysis
Procurement contracts
As part of the study, will UZ Leuven or KU Leuven enter into one or more procurement contracts for the purchase of goods and/or services for use in the study?
In the context of this procurement of goods and/or services, will the supplier of the goods and/or services process personal data of study participants?

You can upload only 1 file per section. Do you have several files per section? Then bundle them in 1 compressed folder (zip file).

Limited to the use of artificialised/extracted human bodily material without application in man

The biobank legislation provides an exception for artificial/extracted HBM. This applies only if:

  • the study exclusively uses already (previously) produced artificial/extracted HBM.
  • the HBM will never be used for genetic research or human application.
  • the HBM is not registered in the Biobank of UZ/KU Leuven.
Does the study meet all these conditions?
Traceability to the donor was removed (anonymization) for artificial/extracted HBM produced in Belgium after 18 March 2022.
Artificial/extracted HBM produced in Belgium before 18 March 2022 or produced outside Belgium.
The donors have been informed about the possible production of this artificial/extracted HBM and its potential consequences (HBM law), including the removal of traceability of the material for artificial/extracted HBM produced in Belgium after 18 March 2022.
Artificial/extracted HBM was produced from HBM for which traceability had already been removed prior to the EC approval for the production of the artificial/extracted HBM.
Is artificial/extracted HBM (previously) produced at UZ/KU Leuven being used for this project?
Enter the S number of the study

Please enter the correct S number. Start with S and enter the 5 digits. e.g. S12345.

Use of human body material

For the following questions, only consider the HBM that can be used for scientific research on a different disease, different treatment, or different medication than in this study.

Use of companion diagnostics under IVDR?
Which HBM is used in this study?
Where is the prospective material collected/sampled?
Origin of already collected human biological material
Specify the supporting service from which the residual material originates further on.
Additional information 'Available (leftover) material already collected as part of a study'
Enter the Snumber of the study

Please enter the Snumber(s) of the studies from which the material originates below. Ensure the correct S-number is entered. Start with "S" and follow with the 5 digits. For example, S12345.

From what type of donor is the material collected as part of the study?
What is the destination of the material already collected as part of the study that remains after the study is completed?
Additional information 'Available (residual) material already collected as part of diagnostics/therapy'
From what type of donor is the material collected as part of diagnostics/therapy?
What is the destination of the material already collected as part of diagnostics/therapy that remains after the study is completed?
Additional information 'Externally obtained HBM'
From what type of donor is the material collected as part of externally obtained HBM?
What is the destination of the externally obtained material that remains after the study is completed?
Additional information 'Removal of biological material from a deceased donor'
With or without an information and consent form (ICF)?
What is the destination of the biological material removed from a deceased donor that remains after the study is completed?
Nature of the study
Academic or commercial
Is there financial or other support?
Choose your financial support:
Are other centres involved?
This is only possible in multicentre studies.
Confirmed: centre name and contact person e-mail address
Interested: centre name and contact person e-mail address
Is there a financial flow between the sponsor and the participating centers?
Use of data
Electronic case report form (eCRF)
Use of samples
Coding of samples
The principle is applied that samples are pseudonymized by default. The PI is responsible for the pseudonymization (key to identification).
The study makes use of:
Will be sent to a third party outside UZ/KU Leuven
Human body material originating from body donated to KU Leuven for science by will
What external support will you receive?
Choose your financial support
Stichting Tegen Kanker (Foundation Against Cancer), King Baudouin Foundation, ...
Master's thesis in Biomedical Sciences with external organisation
National or international
The UZ/KU Leuven EC research is:
UZ Leuven is added to the ongoing study via amendment.
UZ Leuven supporting services
Is involvement of UZ Leuven supporting departments needed to execute the study?
If you are using residual material for this study, indicate here the supporting service from which the material originates.
Specify which services you want to use.
Will you make use of the central storage facility of the biobank in this study?
About the study
Type of study participants
Principal investigator/promotor
Name and email address
Study assistant/student
Name and e-mail address
General contact details
Financial contact details
Contractual contact details
CRO (if applicable)
CRO general contact details
CRO financial contact details
CRO contractual contact details
Contact legal department
Has there already been contact with (and/or contract negotiations ongoing through) a legal department?

You can upload only 1 file per section. Do you have several files per section? Then bundle them in 1 compressed folder (zip file).

The contract and budget proposal must be submitted in an editable format (in a non-protected Word and Excel version respectively)

e.g. follow-up study of..., CTC office meeting date....

Last edit: 7 november 2024