Storage & Access

The storage facilities of the biobank are centralized at the second floor of the O&N4 building on campus Gasthuisberg. Within this facility a variety of sample storage solutions is available.

Central storage

Storage includes: room temperature,  mechanical cold-storage at +4° C, -20 °C, -40 °C and  -80 °C and automated storages solutions at -20°C and -80°C.

All storage equipment is subject to daily and continuous monitoring practices as well as a system for preventative maintenance and repair of storage equipment embedded within the biobank’s quality management system and in accordance with the applicable quality standards

Each researcher who wishes to store samples at the biobank facility can send a request, provided the research project obtained prior biobank and EC approval. Include the following information at the minimum:

  • The number of samples,
  • The sample quantity/volume,
  • Type of vials/boxes (max footprint 13x13cm),
  • Storage condition,
  • Expected retention period and utilization rate,
  • A copy of the EC approval letter.

Requesting access to biobank facility

The biobank facility is equipped with a system of access control. Only persons assigned to repository operations have access to the samples stored within the biobank facility. When requiring access to the facilities, please submit the Biobank facility access request (BB-GEN011-FO01) form to the biobank.

External (non-UZ Leuven) personnel also needs to read the document Working safely in UZ Leuven (BB-GEN011-AN06) and submit the JCI form Rules on the use of keys and access badges (BB-GEN011-FO03) to the biobank.

When requesting access to the walk-in freezers and/or the cryogenic storage room, the applicant needs to read the corresponding procedures (walk-in freezers: BB-TEC006-PR, cryogenic storage: ACB-AL032-PR) outlining the safety/working instructions that apply to these particular areas. These procedures are available on request.

Decentral storage

Decentral storage is allowed upon agreed and documented exception only, provided all conditions regarding aspects such as security & access, backup storage, maintenance/repair & replacement and temperature monitoring can be met. The biobank will evaluate the adherence to these provisions.


Last edit: 18 february 2025