Testicular biopsy

Testicular sperm extraction (TESE)
The procedure of removing small portions of testicular tissue to examine the presence of spermatozoa. The frozen tissue can be used for a future fertility treatment.


For men whose semen has been shown to contain insufficient sperm cells. 

A couple of weeks before surgery

  • We ask you to go to the pre-surgery consultation in the anaesthesiology department a couple of weeks before the surgery. 
  • Sign and returns contracts
    You have to complete, sign and send the forms back to the fertility centre in advance. If not, the procedure will be postponed. 
    • General agreement
    • Agreement on the storage of sperm for medically assisted reproduction


Surgery under general anaesthetic in the surgical day centre by a urologist. 

  • The urologist will make a small incision in the testicle.
  • Small portions of tissue are removed.

An embryologist will examine the testicular tissue for sperm cells in the fertility lab. The gynaecologist will inform about the presence or absence of sperm cells. 

For an extensive discussion of the results you will get a new appointment a couple of weeks later. 


  • Wear tight-fitting underwear to prevent Draag nauw aansluitend ondergoed om de vorming van een hematoom (interne bloeduitstorting) te voorkomen.
    • It is normal for the area around the incision to be somewhat bruised and/or swollen. The degree of pain, discolouration and swelling can vary from one man to another.
  • Rest sufficiently the first days after the procedure. You won't be able to go to work for 2 to 3 days. 
  • It is best not to take a bath the first 2 days. Taking a shower is not a problem. 
  • The wound does not have to be desinfected and the dressing does not need to be replaced. 
  • You can remove the dressing after two days. 
  • If you are in too much pain, you can take a painkiller (type Ibuprofen®, Paracetamol®).

Contact a doctor if the wound becomes warm, red and highly sensitive, or if you're worried or in case of persistent pain. 


Last edit: 11 july 2024