Dropping people off and picking them up
Patients or visitors who have trouble getting around can be brought or picked up at kiss-and-ride zones.
- There is a kiss-and-ride zone:
- at the East entrance (Toegang Oost) - on the ring road, follow the arrows towards P Oost
This K+R zone will remain accessible even during the roadworks. To drive away, follow the signposts at the works. - in Parking West (next to the West entrance: Toegang West) - on the ring road, follow the arrows towards P West
The ticket you received when you entered will also be used when you leave. You do not need to stop by the pay machine.
- at the East entrance (Toegang Oost) - on the ring road, follow the arrows towards P Oost
- At these K+R zones, you can briefly leave the car to accompany or pick up a patient to or from the hospital access area.
Want to accompany a patient to the consultation or the unit itself? Then park your car in car Parking Oost or Parking West. - There are wheelchairs in the car parks and at the entrances.
- For day hospital surgery, choose the K+R area at Toegang Oost.
- There is a separate K+R zone for emergency services.
Parking Oost
- Located at Het Teken roundabout.
- On the ring road around campus Gasthuisberg, follow the 'P Oost' arrows.
- Consists of a covered section and an open-air section. Both areas can be reached via a common entrance.
- Maximum height: covered car park: 2 m / open-air car park: no height restriction.
- Open-air car park suitable for vehicles longer than 5.50 m.
- LPG vehicles only permitted in the open-air area.
- Motorbike parking in the open-air area on level 1 (signage on site).
- Walking time to Toegang Oost (the former main entrance): 7 minutes - to Toegang West: 15 minutes.
- Wheelchairs available for moving around the hospital. Thank you in advance for returning the wheelchair after use.
Parking West
- Located at Vogelzang roundabout, near the fire station.
- On the ring road around campus Gasthuisberg, follow the 'P West' arrows. Fastest access via E314 exit ramp 16 (Gasthuisberg).
- Entirely underground.
- Maximum height: 2.60 m - taller vehicles please park in the open-air section of Parking Oost.
- Not suitable for vehicles longer than 5.50 m - please park in the open-air section of Parking Oost.
- LPG vehicles not allowed - please park in the open-air section of Parking Oost.
- Motorbikes park on level 0 (signage on site).
- Walking time to Toegang West: 4 minutes - to Toegang Oost (the former main entrance): 15 minutes.
- Wheelchairs available for moving around the hospital. Thank you in advance for returning the wheelchair after use.
Special parking spaces
Persons with disabilities
Special spaces are reserved for people with disabilities in:
- Parking Oost: in the covered section at level 0 - in the open-air section at level 0
- Parking West: on level +1.
Place the parking card reserved for people with disabilities on the dashboard.
There are no separate rates for disabled persons: patients pay the healthcare rate, visitors pay the standard rate.
More info.
Pink parking zone for heavily pregnant women and visitors with prams
Extra spacious parking bays make it easier for heavily pregnant women to get in and out of the car park. The parking zone is also reserved for visitors with prams.
The pink parking zone is located in:
- Parkin Oost in the open-air section, level 0
- Parking West on level +1.
Parking with a motorhome
Motorhomes can park during the day in Parking Oost (in the open air).
If you wish to stay overnight, you may use the motorhome parking area of the city of Leuven.
More information is available on the Leuven website.
Electric charging
Electric charging is available in both Parking Oost and Parking West.
- Parking Oost - open-air level 0.
- Parking West - level 1.
You can recognise the parking spots by their green markings.
The charging posts are suitable for both fast and slow charging.
The charging stations work with most charging card providers.

Need help?
If you are travelling by car yourself and have difficulty walking, you can request the assistance of a security guard. Report this when entering the car park by pressing the info button at the barrier three times. This will put you in contact with a security guard.
Parking rates
At Gasthuisberg Campus, you have to pay for parking. For patients, UZ Leuven offers a lower parking rate: the healthcare rate.
Payment can be made with a Belgian debit card or in cash. Payment by credit card or foreign bank cards is not possible.
In both Parking Oost and Parking West, there are spots for motorbikes.
In Parking West, the motorbike parking is on level 0, in Parking Oost in the open-air section, on level 1 - row B. In both car parks, there is signage on site.
By bicycle
Parking Oost
The bicycle parking is located in the visitor parking building of Parking Oost, on level -1 (and thus no longer in the wooden building opposite Toegang Oost).
- From roundabout Het Teken, follow the cycle path up towards KU Leuven Onderwijs & Navorsing.
- Use the bicycle crossing at the exit of the car park.
- Follow the cycle path to the bicycle parking.
There is also signage at that location.
Parking West
- Cross the campus ring road at the intersection with Berg Taborweg.
- this is the second bicycle crossing after Vogelzang roundabout for those coming from Herent/Winksele
- this is the first bicycle crossing after the crossroads with Berg Taborweg for those coming from Het Teken roundabout/Emergency Department
- After crossing, you'll be guided via the cycle path directly to the bicycle parking.
From the bicycle parking, you can walk directly past the Vrouw, Kind en Erfelijkheid building to Toegang West.
Plan with bicycle parking
Not getting detailed info? Click on 'View Larger Map' in the black bar on the far right.
Using the 'View Larger Map' option, you can also select directions to the bicycle parking areas.
Directions to Fietsenparking West (the West bicycle parking) stop at the bicycle crossing on Berg Taborweg. From there, follow the on-site signposts. (See also directions above.)