Medical and nursing care
In the morning, breakfast is served between 8 and 9 am. If a blood draw is scheduled for you, it will take place before breakfast. Some tests require you to be on an empty stomach. If this is the case, the nurse will inform you.
During the morning, the doctor will visit you to examine you. The doctor will mention what further examinations are planned for you. At regular intervals you will be examined by the specialist in charge. If you or your family wish to see the doctor, an appointment can be made through the nurse. On Sundays and public holidays, you will not always be examined clinically by the doctor. This will only happen if there is a specific indication.
The doctor will go over your medication schedule and prescribe the necessary medication. All medication comes from the hospital pharmacy and is given to you by the nurse. It is best leave your home medication at home.

Hygienic care is done in the morning. Where necessary, the nurse will be happy to help you with this. During admission, we recommend that you continue your daily activities as much as possible, just as you did before admission. It is of course important that this is done safely. If you have any questions about this, please tell the doctor.
Connecting care
A team of psychosocial workers is available to guide you and your family. They each work from their own angle. You can find more information in the brochure Psychosocial care for oncology patients.

There is an afternoon prayer in the chapel every weekday from 12:45 to 13:00. On Sundays at 10:45, a celebration of Mass takes place in the chapel. If you would like to attend, please inform the logistics staff. Both the afternoon prayer and the Sunday Mass are broadcast live via the TV channel 'UZ Leuven-tv' on your screen. You can also receive communion. If you have a different faith, you can ask for someone of your own faith through the pastor.
Every working day, volunteers deliver newspapers and magazines to the ward. The logistics officer takes requests before 08:30. Payments are made in cash. If you wish to borrow a book from the library, you can tell the logistics officer.
Every Monday afternoon, ice creams are distributed by the volunteers. A sweet cart is also available. The logistics officer will provide you with a list of available snacks; you can ask them what you would like.