Consultations and function tests limited to 50 procent

7 december 2020

As of Wednesday 4 November, UZ Leuven is forced to reduce all its outpatient activity (consultations, function tests ...)  with 50 procent of the hospital's capacity. The care providers of the departments concerned have to be mobilised for the care of COVID-19 patiënts elsewhere in the hospital. 

At this moment every medical department is carefully checking which consultation or which examination or function test can be postponed.  

If your consultation or function test has to be move, you will be notified by text or phone at least 24 hours in advance. If your planned consultation goes ahead, you will not hear from us. 

The impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is particularly big. UZ Leuven understands the repercussions this measure has and wants to thank everyone for their trust. 

Last edit: 15 march 2024