Hyperventilation test

A test to determine whether hyperventilation plays a role in your symptoms. A hyperventilation test includes a breathing exercise, recording your breathing pattern, and a consultation with the psychologist.


Functiemetingen 6

Medical prescription required

You will always need a prescription from your doctor for a hyperventilation test. Bring this prescription with you on the day of the test.


No special preparation is required for a hyperventilation test. Do not take calming medication.


Duration: 75 minutes

  • A baseline lung function test (spirometry) is performed first.
  • You then receive 4 puffs of a bronchodilator through a spacer (plastic reservoir between the mouth and the inhaler).
  • Subsequently, the breathing exercise takes place, during which your response to breathing instructions is examined.
  • Your breathing pattern is recorded, and the concentration of exhaled carbon dioxide is measured.
  • You then receive a questionnaire about your symptoms at home.
  • During the consultation with the psychologist, the triggering and/or maintaining factors of hyperventilation will be examined. This is done by analysing your symptoms and their consequences.
  • The results of the test will also be explained to you by the psychologist.

Side effects

The hyperventilation test is a safe procedure.

What you experience during the test differs from person to person. Your feedback on this is very important for the test.

Any side effects are always temporary.

Last edit: 28 january 2025