Functiemetingen 6
Are you a Mynexuzhealth user? Make your own appointment via the mynexuzhealth website or via the appointment module in the mynexuzhealth app.
Not yet a mynexuzhealth user? Request an appointment online.
+32 16 34 34 81 - weekdays from 08:00 to 17:00
Medical prescription required
You will always need a prescription from your doctor for a hyperventilation test. Bring this prescription with you on the day of the test.
No special preparation is required for a hyperventilation test. Do not take calming medication.
Duration: 75 minutes
- A baseline lung function test (spirometry) is performed first.
- You then receive 4 puffs of a bronchodilator through a spacer (plastic reservoir between the mouth and the inhaler).
- Subsequently, the breathing exercise takes place, during which your response to breathing instructions is examined.
- Your breathing pattern is recorded, and the concentration of exhaled carbon dioxide is measured.
- You then receive a questionnaire about your symptoms at home.
- During the consultation with the psychologist, the triggering and/or maintaining factors of hyperventilation will be examined. This is done by analysing your symptoms and their consequences.
- The results of the test will also be explained to you by the psychologist.