Sports medical and physiotherapy assessment

Both competitive and recreational athletes can visit the SMAC for an injury-prevention and/or performance-enhancing assessment. This evaluation helps identify potential risk factors that could lead to injuries.
Behandelingen SMAC


Sports medical advisory centre (SMAC)

Assessment process

  • Electrocardiogram and clinical examination
  • Series of standardised flexibility and strength tests, complemented by functional assessments (jump tests, stability tests, etc.)

Follow-up with a sports physiotherapist: one follow-up session is included, where you receive an exercise programme tailored to the key areas identified during the assessment.

Afterwards, you can opt for continued follow-up with your sports physiotherapist.

Practical information

Assessment with a sports doctor

  • Sports medical examination
  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Price: ~€70

Assessment with a sports physiotherapist

  1. Musculoskeletal assessment by a sports physiotherapist
    Duration: 60 minutes
    Price: €100
  2. Prescription of an exercise programme based on individual test results
    Duration: 60 minutes
    Price: €75

Optional: additional follow-up

Further follow-up sessions are available.

  • Duration per session: 60 minutes
  • Price: €75
Last edit: 15 march 2025