UZ Leuven gasthuisberg campus
Hospitalisatie kinderen 1
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven
Location and accessibility
The designated car park for this department is parking West.
This car park is entirely underground. Check whether your vehicle meets the conditions to enter the car park.
How much does parking cost?
- As a parent, you are welcome at the children's hospital day and night.
- At night, one parent may stay with the child.
- Would you like to visit? Ask for the parents' permission in advance.
- Visiting hours: every day from 14:00 to 20:00.
- Visits can be tiring. Some tips to keep the visit pleasant:
- Adjust the duration of the visit according to the child's state of health.
- Come with max. 2 visitors at a time.
- Would you like more visitors? Consult the nurse beforehand.
- Are children coming to visit? Make sure they stay in their room and do not wander around the nursing ward.
- Is your child in isolation? Consult with the nurse about visiting children under 12.
The ward has 19 single rooms.
Staying overnight in your child's room
As a parent, you can stay overnight in your child's room in most cases.
Head nurse: Erik Plessers
Last edit:
17 october 2024