
2 September 2020
A Belgian woman was infected twice with COVID-19. 93 days after the first infection she was re-infected. The patient's virus samples were mapped in the coronavirus reference lab (UZ Leuven, KU Leuven).
20 August 2020
VIB, KU Leuven and UZ Leuven researchers, under the supervision of prof. Jan Cools, used a new technology to examine genetic defects in individual leukemia cells of patients with T-cell leukemia. Their trial sheds a new light on the development of leukemia and on how cells react to chemotherapy.
22 July 2020
UZ Leuven is prepared for a potential second COVID-19-wave. There is plan that can be scaled up should a larger amount of patients need care. At this moment, there is one hospital ward that admits proven and non-proven COVID-19-patients.
15 July 2020
Leuven researchers have questionned couple undergoing IVF-treatment about their expectations surrounding the result of the treatment. Both men and women often seem to overestimate their chances of succes.
10 July 2020
The body of patients with a hormone-negative breast cancer often develops a strong immune response, with a positive effect on the chemotherapy's efficacy. Recent KU Leuven and UZ Leuven research have shown that the degree in which this beneficial effect manifests itself, depends on the body mass index (BMI).
3 July 2020
The Research Foundation announced the names of the researchers granted a basic clinical mandate. Both for the new mandates and the renewed mandates, the UZ Leuven/KU Leuven researchers scored well.
15 June 2020
On Thursday 28 May UZ Leuven implanted a new type of wireless minipacemaker in a patient. This was a first in Europe. The new generation minipacemakers allows two times as many patients qualify for this, in comparison with the first generation.
5 June 2020
UZ Leuven is currently running one for the first European large-scale trials into the micro-organisms that live on our ocular surface. Researchers hope to get a better insight in specific eye disorders.
3 June 2020
A PET-MR brain scan can detect early changes in people with an increased risk of developing ALS or frontotemporal dementia as a result of a genetic error, as discovered by VIB, KU Leuven and UZ Leuven researchers.
3 June 2020
A new trial has shown that COVID-19 causes important changes in the blood veins of the lungs. The deviations in the lungs show that the virus is a lot more harmful than regular influenza.
27 May 2020
An international research group has just released the results of a trial about the worldwide prevalence and impact of 22 functional gastrointestinal disorders. The trial was performed in 33 countries over 6 continents and offers more perspective on the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders.
26 May 2020
With the help of smartwatches, a recent UZ Leuven/KU Leuven study has revealed that children that wet the bed sleep less efficiently and have more variation in certain sleeping patterns than their peers that don't wet the bed anymore.