Rare diseases

Some disorders are so rare that it sometimes takes a long time to come to a correct diagnosis and to get adequate treatment going. Especially for congenital and family disorders or disorders that affect various organs, such as systemic diseases, metabolic diseases and immunodeficiencies, a diagnosis is often especially difficult because of diffuse, sometimes contradictory, symptoms.

Obviously it is not possible to bring all knowledge of all rare diseases to 1 team. The diagnostic and therapeutic knowledge required is so wide-ranging and deeply specialised that appropriate organisation is necessary. This is why, in terms of an organisational gateway, UZ Leuven makes a distinction between patients with symptoms and clinical presentations suggestive of pathology for 1 organ versus symptoms and clinical presentations that are not suggestive of 1 organ and thus present more non-specific complaints and (inconsistent) diagnostic results.

Patients can then be referred to one of the multidisciplinary teams or conventions on rare diseases


Support the rare diseases foundation

Support research and tailored care for patients with rare diseases. Your support for this research can really make a difference. 

Last edit: 27 february 2025