Publicaties kindercardiologie

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  • Derize E. Boshoff, Stephen C. Brown, Joseph Degiovanni, Oliver Stumper, John Wright, Luc Mertens and Marc Gewillig
    Percutaneous Management of A Fontan Fenestration: In Search for the Ideal Restriction—Occlusion Device.
  • Stephen C.Brown, Derize E. Boshoff, Bart Meyns, Marc Gewillig
    Case report: Sutureless rescue of a severely hypoplastic pulmonary artery
  • Luc Mertens, Donald J. Hagler, and Marc Gewillig
    Tricuspid Atresia and Single Ventricle
  • R. Devlieger, A. Hindryckx, T. Van Mieghem, A. Debeer, L. De Catte, M. Gewillig, L. Gucciardo, J. Deprest, B. Meyns
    Therapy for Foetal Pericardial Tumours: Survival following in utero Shunting, and Literature Review
  • Mattias Neyt, Imgard Vinck, Marc Gewillig and Hans Van Brabandt
    Percutaneous pulmonary and aortic valve insertion in Belgium: Going for conditional reimbursement or waiting for further evidence?
  • Stephen Brown and Marc Gewillig
    Perforation of the Aortic Sinus After Closure of Atrial eptal Defects With the Atriasept Occluder.
  • S.C. Brown, D.E. Boshoff, F. Rega, B. Eyskens, W. Budts, H. Heidbu, B. Meyns and M. Gewillig
    Transapical Left Ventricular Access for Difficult to Reach Interventional Targets in the Left Heart.
  • Marc Gewillig and Stephen Brown 
    Coronary Compression Caused by Stenting a Right Pulmonary Artery Conduit.
  • Els Troost, Marc Gewillig, Willem Daenen, Bart Meyns, Jan Bogaert, Kristien Van Deyk, and Werner Budts
    Behaviour of polyester grafts in adult patients with repaired coarctation of the aorta.
  • MarcGewillig, StephenC.Brown, LucDeCatte,AnneDebeer,Benedicte Eyskens, VeerleCossey,Dominique Van Schoubroeck, ChrisVanHole1, and Roland Devlieger
    Premature foetal closure of the arterial duct: clinical presentations and outcome.
  • Wim Maurissen, M.D.,1 Benedicte Eyskens, M.D., Ph.D.,2 Marc Gewillig, M.D., Ph.D.,2 and Jan Verhaegen, M.D., Ph.D.1
    Beta-Lactamase-Positive Cardiobacterium hominis Strain Causing Endocarditis in a Pediatric Patient with Tetralogy of Fallot.
  • Q. Hussain, G. Maleux, S. Heye, M. Gewillig, L. Mertens
    Post-catheterization pseudoaneurysm in a one-year-old child treated by ultrasound-guided human thrombin injection
  • Marc Gewillig, Stephen C. Brown, Luc De Catte, Anne Debeer, Benedicte Eyskens, Veerle Cossey, Dominique Van Schoubroeck, Chris Van Hole and Roland Devlieger
    Premature foetal closure of the arterial duct: clinical presentations and outcome 
  • Philip Moons, Thierry Sluysmans, Daniel De Wolf, Martial Massin, Bert Suys, Abraham Benatar, Marc Gewillig
    Acta Pædiatrica
    Congenital heart disease in 111 225 births in Belgium: birth prevalence, treatment and survival in the 21st century 
  • Els Troost, MD, Marion Delcroix, MD, PhD, Marc Gewillig, MD, PhD, Kristien Van Deyk, Nsc, and Werner Budts, MD, PhD
    Pedriatric and congenital heart disease. Original Studies.
    A Modified Technique of Stent Fenestration of the Interatrial Septum Improves Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Luc Mertens, MD, PHD, Bénédicte Eyskens, MD, PHD, Derize Boshoff, MD, AND Marc Gewillig, MD, PHD
    Safety and Efficacy of Clopidogrel in Children with Heart Disease
  • Philip Moons, PhD, Sara Pinxten, M.Sc, Davy Dedroog, M.Sc, Kristien Van Deyk, M.Sc, Mark Gewillig, PhD, Deborah Hilderson, M.Sc, Werner Budts, PhD
    Expectations and experiences of adolescents with congenital heart disease on being transferred from pediatric cardiology to an adult congenital heart disease program
  • Els Troost, Mark Gewillig, Willem Daenen, Bart Meyns, Jan Bogaert, Kristien Van Deyk, Werner Budts
    Behaviour of polyester grafts in adult patients with repaired coarctation of the aorta
  • Stephen C. Brown, Derize Boshoff, Benedicte Eyskens, Marc Gewillig
    Hybrid approach as bridge to biventricular repair in a neonate with critical aortic stenosis and borderline left ventricle
  • Stephen C. Brown, Derize Boshoff, Benedicte Eyskens, Luc Mertens, Marc Gewillig
    Use of a microcatheter in a telescopic system to reach difficult targets in complex congenital heart disease


  • Luc Mertens, Javier Ganame, Benedicte Eyskens
    What is new in pediatric cardiac imaging?
  • Benjamin Berte, Benedicte Eyskens, Geert Meyfroidt and Rik Willems 
    Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia in fulminant myocarditis
  • Philip Moons,Thierry Sluysmans Daniel De Wolf, Martial Massin, Bert Suys, Abraham Benatar, Marc Gewillig
    Congenital heart disease in 111225 births in Belgium: birth prevalence, treatment and survival in the 21stc entury
  • Gunnar M. Buyse, Gerry Vander Mieren, Michael Erb, Jan D'hooge, Paul Herijgers, Erik Verbeken, Alejandro Jara, An Van Den Bergh, Luc Mertens,Isabelle Courdier-Fruh, Patrizia Barzaghi and Thomas Meier
    Long-term blinded placebo-controlled study of SNT-MC17/idebenone in the dystrophin deficient mdx mouse: cardiac protection and improved exercise performance
  • O. Dragusin, M. Gewillig, W. Desmet, K. Smans, L. Struelens and H. Bosmans
    Radiation dose survey in a paediatric cardiac catheterisation laboratory equipped with flat-panel detectors 
  • C. Missart, S. Rex, P. Claus, L. Mertens en P.F. Wouters
    Load-sensitivity of regional tissue deformation in the right ventricle: isovolumic versus ejection-phase indices of contractility
  • G. Acharya, J. Räsänen, K. Mäkikallio, T. Erkinaro, T. Kavasmaa, M. Haapsamo, L. Mertens en J.C. Huhta
    Metabolic acidosis decreases fetal myocardial isovolumic velocities in a chronic sheep model of increased placental vascular resistance 
  • B. Thienpont, J. Breckpot, J.R. Vermeesch, M. Gewillig en K. Devriendt
    A complex submicroscopic chromosomal imbalance in 19p13.11 with one microduplication and two microtriplications 
  • B. D'hondt, F. Rega, L. Mertens, M. Gewillig en B. Meyns 
    Primary Cardiac Fibroma: A Rising Giant in a Small Cavity-Size Does Matter
  • L. Mertens, J. Ganame, P. Claus, N. Goemans, D. Thijs, B. Eyskens, D. Van Laere, B. Bijnens, J. D'hooge, G. R. Sutherland en G. Buyse
    Early Regional Myocardial Dysfunction in Young Patients With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  • J. Ganame, P. Claus, A. Uyttebroeck, M. Renard, J. D'hooge, B. Bijnens, G. R. Sutherland, B. Eyskens en L. Mertens
    Myocardial Dysfunction Late After Low-Dose Anthracycline Treatment in Asymptomatic Pediatric Patients
  • B.J.M. Mulder, M. Gewillig, P.G. Pieper, F.J. Meijboom, M. Witsenburg en J.P.M. Ham
    Aangeboren hartziekten
  • P. De Munter, W. Peetermans
    Wijzigingen in de richtlijnen voor endocarditisproxfylaxe 


  • Javier Ganame, Piet Claus, Anne Uyttebroeck, Marleen Renard, Jan D'hooge, Bart Bijnens, George R. Sutherland, Benedicte Eyskens, Luc Mertens
    Myocardial Dysfunction Late After Low-Dose Anthracycline Treatment in Asymptomatic Pediatric Patients
  • prof. dr. Marc Gewillig, prof. dr. Werner Budts, dr. Derize E. Boshoff, prof. dr. Luc Mertens
    Percutane sluiting van atriale verbindingen, met huidigeinzichten bij behandeling van CVA en migraine
    Fermeture percutanée des communications inter-auriculaires et traitement de l'AVC et de la migraine
  • Javier Ganame, Luc Mertens, Benjamin W. Eidem, Piet Claus, Jan D'hooge, Luke M. Havemann,Colin J. McMahon, Mac Arthur A. Elayda, William K. Vaughn, Jeffrey A. Towbin, Nancy A. Ayres,Ricardo H. Pignatelli
    Regional myocardial deformation in children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: morphological and clinical correlations
  • Javier Ganame
    The Detection of early left ventricular dysfunction in pediatric heart disease
  • Marc Gewillig, Werner Budts and Willem Flameng
    Mitral Valve Prolapse
  • Luc Mertens,Bart Meyns, Marc Gewillig
    Device Fracture and Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation After Percutaneous Closure of Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect: A Case Report
  • Ingele Casteels, Patricia Casaer, Marc Gewillig, Ann Swillen, Koenraad Devriendt
    Ocular findings in children with a microdeletion in chromosome 22q11.2
  • Marc Gewillig, Derize E. Boshoff, Geert Maleux, Werner Budts
    Des voies d'abord inhabituelles vers le cœur
    Ongewone toegangswegen naar het hart
  • Els Troost, Bart Meyns, Willem Daenen, Frans Vande Werf, Marc Gewillig, Kristien Van Deyk, Philip Moons and Werner Budts
    Homograft survival after tetralogy of Fallot repair: determinants of accelerated homograft degeneration 
  • I. Witters, P. Debois, J.P.Fryns, K. Devriendt and M. Gewillig
    Letter to the editor: A case of left isomerism with early fetal decompensation
  • Peter Witters, Geert Maleux, Christophe George, Marion Delcroix, Ilse Hoffman, Marc Gewillig, Chris Verslype, Diethard Monbaliu, Raymond Aerts, Jacques Pirenne, Werner VanSteenbergen, Frederik Nevens, Johan Fevery and David Cassiman
    Congenital veno-venous malformations of the liver: Widely variable clinical presentations
  • B. De Smedt, K. Devriendt, J.-P. Fryns, A. Vogels, M. Gewillig, A. Swillen.
    Intellectual abilities in a large sample of children with Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome: an update
  • Derize E. Boshoff, Ina Michel-Behnke, Dietmar Schranz, Marc Gewillig
    Stenting the neonatal arterial duct
  • T. Reybrouck, S. Vangesselen, L. Mertens, M. Gewillig
    Efficiency of oxygen cost during exercise in patients with symptoms of fatigue during physical activities 
  • B. Callewaert, B. Loeys, J. De Backer, A. Willaert, D.Devos, M. Gewillig, P.Coucke, K. Devriendt, A. De Paepe
    Een Belgische patiënt met arterial tortuosity syndrome
  • Mario Carminati, Gianfranco Buter, Massimo Chess, Joseph De Giovanni, Gunter Fisher, Marc Gewillig, Mathias Peuster, Jean Francois Piechaud, Giuseppe Santoro, Horst Sievert, Isabella Spadoni, and Kevin Walsh for the Investigators of the European VSD Registry
    Transcatheter closure of congenital ventricular septaldefects: results of the European Registry
  • Andreas Marinakis, Tom Vydt, Joseph Dens, Marc gewillig, Kristien Van Deyk, Werner Budts
    Percutaneous transcatheter ventricular septal defect closure in adults with amplatzer septal occluders
  • Luc Mertens & Javier Ganame & Bénédicte Eyskens
    What is new in pediatric cardiac imaging?
  • Leentje De Bleser, Werner Budts, Thierry Sluysmans, Daniel De Wolf, Martial Massin, Marc Gewillig, Bert Suys, Philip Moons
    Self-reported physical activities in patients after the Mustard or Senning operation: Comparison with healthy control subjects
  • Luc Mertens
    Deciphering the mystery of the leaky pulmonary valve in a new era of interventional cardiology
  • Leentje De Blesser, Werner Budts, Marc Gewillig, Thierry Slysmans, Daniël De Wolf, Martial Massin, Bert Suys, Agnes pasquet, André Vliers, Philip Moons
    Subjectieve gezondheidstoestand, kwaliteit van leven en functionele status van volwassen patiënten na een mustard-pf senningoperatie
  • I. Witters, P. Debois, J. P. Fryns, K. Devriendt en M. Gewillig Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol
    A case of left isomerism with early fetal decompensation
  • Derize Boshoff, Benedicte Eyskens, Marc Gewillig
    Late redilation of a stent in the aorta crossing the subclavian artery complicated with a cerebellar infarction
  • Javier Ganame, Piet Claus, Benedicte Eyskens, Anne Uyttebroeck, Marleen Renard, Jan D'hooge, Marc Gewillig, Bart Bijnens, George R. Sutherland, and Luc Mertens
    Acute Cardiac Functional and Morphological Changes After Anthracycline Infusions in Children
  • Pier Giorgio Masci, Marc Gewillig and Jan Bogaert
    Clinical vignette: Double-chambered right ventricle
  • Derize Elizabeth Boshoff, Noëlla Bethuyne, Marc Gewillig, Luc Mertens, Benedicte Eyskens, Ihsan Bakir, Eric Verbeken, Willem Daenen and Bart Meyns
    Endovascular stenting of juvenile vessels: consequence of surgical stentremoval on vesselarchitecture
  • Bernard Thienpont, Luc Mertens, Thomy de Ravel, Benedicte Eyskens, Derize Boshoff, Nicole Maes, Jean-Pierre Fryns, Marc Gewillig, Joris Vermeersch, Koen Devriendt
    Submicroscopic chromosomal imbalances detected by array-CGH area frequent cause of congenital heart defects in selected patients
  • Marc Gewillig
    Obstructions of the inferior en superior vena cava
    Syncope and assessment of autonomic function in children
  • Noëlla Bethuyne, Marijke Proesmans,Wim Daenen, MarcGewillig
    Case report.Vertical vascular ring around right mainstem bronchus
  • Tony Reybrouck, Steven Vangesselen, Luc Mertens, Marc Gewillig
    Increased interbreath variability of gas exchange during exercise in children with cardiomyopathy
  • L. Cardenas, J. Panzer D. Boshoff, S. Malekzadeh-Milani, C. Ovaert
    Transcatheter Closure of Secundum Atrial Defect in Small Children
  • Katrijn Van Aken, Bert De Smedt, Annelies Van Roie, Marc Gewillig,Koen Devriendt, Jean-Pierre Fryns, Johan Simons, An Swillen
    Motor development in school-aged children with 22q11 deletion (velocardiofacial/DiGeorge syndrome)
  • Joris Ector, Javier Ganame, Nico van der Merwe, Bert Adriaenssens, Laurent Pison, Rik Willems, Marc Gewillig, and Hein Heidbüchel
    Reduced right ventricular ejection fraction in endurance athletes presenting with ventricular arrhythmias: a quantitative angiographic assessment
Laatste aanpassing: 13 februari 2025