

UZ Leuven gasthuisberg campus
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven

Location and accessibility


Accompanying persons and visitors

Our emergency department is divided into different zones. Your route usually passes through the waiting room, the examination room and, if necessary, the observation area. To best provide your care, accompanying persons and visitors vary in each of these zones.

Accompanying persons

  • Each patient may be accompanied by one healthy adult in the waiting room and examination room. Visiting arrangements apply in the observation area.

  • Minor children can be accompanied by both parents throughout the course on emergency cases. Siblings must stay at home.


  • In the observation area, visits are possible every day at set times:

    • from 13:30 to 14:00
    • from 19:00 to 19:30
  • Come with a maximum of two visitors.

  • Avoid visiting when you are ill yourself.

Last edit: 28 october 2024