Studies with medicines

For interventional study drug clinical trials in adult patients, use this national template. An initial version of this template was published on July 1, 2019, and a new version is now available. This version was published on the BAREC website on January 31, 2025. This template was designed by the BAREC ICF Working Group. This template can be consulted on the BAREC website via the following link 

Please note that the use of the templates will become mandatory when submitting initial study applications for new clinical studies as of August 1st 2025.

The sponsor statement also needs to be entered and submitted.

Template EudraCT-studies UZ Leuven sponsor

When a study is submitted with diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals (PET/SPECT imaging), the text in the document below should be included in the study's ICF.

Please include in the ICF under section 13, "Who reviewed and approved the documents related to the study," that the study has been approved by the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) when working with radiopharmaceuticals. It is important that the patient is informed that the FANC has granted approval and that the patient can contact them with any questions.

Template for interventional clinical studies in adult healthy volunteers

This template is intended to prepare an informed consent form (ICF) for healthy adult participants taking part in an interventional clinical trial with a trial medicine. This template can be consulted on the BAREC website via the following link 

Template for interventional clinical studies with an investigational vaccine in adult healthy volunteers

You will also find additional guidelines for use of this 


ICF clinical trial
DOCX - 850.01 Kb
ICF étude clinique
DOCX - 845.44 Kb
ICF klinische studie
DOCX - 841.98 Kb

Studies with medical device

For clinical investigations with a medical device (MDR-studies) in adult patients, use this national template. This template was published on the BAREC website on January 31, 2025. This template was designed by the BAREC MDR Working Group in cooperation with the ICF Working Group. This template can be consulted on the BAREC website via the following link 

Template for clinical investigation with a medical device UZ Leuven sponsor


For non-EudraCT studies use the templates below (ZIP-file with versions in Dutch, English and French).

Please use the "UZ Leuven sponsor" templates if UZ Leuven is the sponsor of your study. These templates already take into account the legal basis chosen by UZ Leuven to process data ("general interest", cf. article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)), the contact details of the insurance company are entered, etc.

For studies where KU Leuven is the sponsor, the "UZ Leuven sponsor" template can also be a good guideline as for most KU Leuven studies, "general interest" is also chosen as the processing basis.

Templates non-EudraCT studies

Non-interventional study
ZIP - 96.79 Kb

These documents are meant for adult patients.

Information letter

To draw up an information letter for research that does not collect personal data, we recommend using this template to inform individuals about the study.

Guidelines for drawing up ICF

For additional guidelines for drawing up/entering a ICF, we refer to the following documents:

Guidance for applicants
PDF - 76.03 Kb
Guidance on use of e-ICF
PDF - 254.14 Kb

The latter document describes the limitations that need to be taken into account when using electronic methods to inform a potential participant about a clinical trial and/or to get the ICF signed.

Last edit: 20 march 2025