Physical changes after childbirth

The maternity period starts with the birth and continues for approximately six weeks. After this period, most of the physical changes will have resolved and your body will revert to its pre-pregnancy state.
After giving birth, spontaneous uterine contractions ensure that your uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy state. These contractions also seal the placenta-sized wound in the uterine wall so that you do not lose too much blood.
With a normal delivery, you will lose primarily red blood during the first four days after giving birth. The amount is comparable to heavy menstrual flow and will gradually decrease. Over the following days, the blood loss tends to be brown and yellowish. This can last up to six weeks after the delivery.
The pain and discomfort women feel after an episiotomy or a vaginal or perineal tear varies. Some women experience little to no complaints, while other have considerable pain and discomfort. The wound is, after all, located in an area that you will feel it whether you sit, lie down or walk.
The first bowel movement after childbirth can be difficult. Urination may also be more difficult and painful.
After giving birth, the physical therapist will teach you modified exercises to help restore your muscles to their proper function. You can continue doing these exercises in your own home.
In the initial days after the delivery, you will be several kilos lighter. These lost kilos include the weight of the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid and your shrinking uterus, among others. Your body will slowly regain its shape.
Last edit: 18 june 2024