
3 April 2020
KU Leuven and UZ Leuven's top researchers are working hard to understand the effect of COVID-19 on humans, to develop and apply curative treatments and find an efficient vaccine. Your financial support can give this research a boost.
2 April 2020
Are you in need or urgent or necessary care? Please do not hesitate to come to the hospital or to contact your attending care providers. We have organised our care in such a way that the safety of patients is not in any way jeopardised.
31 March 2020
Hospitals are rapidly running out of essential drugs for treating COVID patients in intensive care units. In the absence of European collaboration to ensure a steady supply of these drugs, front line COVID hospitals may no longer be able to provide adequate intensive care in one to two weeks from now.
26 March 2020
To bring our patients in touch with the home front, we want to call on individuals, wholesalers or retail businesses to donate ICT equipment.
20 March 2020
De European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) , is sounding the alarm and urging that European rules on the open market be respected even in times of crisis. This is necessary to ensure a smooth supply of medical equipment.
18 March 2020
Flemish nutritional and other sciencists have asked attentio for the scores of nutritional recommendations on social media to supposedly prevent or remedy COVID-19. The majority of these recommendation has no proven effect.
28 February 2020
To give patients with disease the best possible care, national and international cooperation is crucial. UZ Leuven is the leader both in Belgium and Europe, as a member of 19 European Reference Networks and chairman of 7 of the first 11 Flemish networks per rare disease cluster.
7 February 2020
A recent real-world study confirms that deep brain stimulation is a successful and well-supported treatment for patients with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. The trial included various European centres all trained by a UZ Leuven and UPC KU Leuven team.
4 February 2020
For the twelfth time UZ Leuven has been awarded the Top Employer certification. This is an acknowledgement for companies with a strong HR policy. Every year the Top Employers Institute recognises companies worldwide that are dedicated to creating an excellent HR policy for its employees.
23 January 2020
An international research project led by UZ Leuven and the KU Leuven is one of the four shortlisted projects competing for a 35 million euro award of the British Heart Foundation. The objective of the project is to develop smart wearable sensors and other technology for heart diseases.
16 January 2020
The Leuven remedial educationalist Ann Swillen developed Piecing the puzzle together, an interactive information package for children with a rare genetic disorder. The object is primarily to stimulate the children, as well as the parents, brothers and sisters, to talk openly about the complex disease.
3 January 2020
Researchers have succeeded in cultivating biological bone tissue in the same way bone tissue is formed in an embryo. "With this method, we expect the first live implants in patients in four years' time”.