
8 May 2019
Researchers at the Centre for Human Genetics and Sussex University have identified a genetic defect on the POLA1 gene which lies at the root of a rare syndrome. The disorder, which only affects males, is associated with growth disorders, smaller brains and learning disabilities.
25 April 2019
A recent study by the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer found that very elderly care home residents are receiving cancer diagnoses twenty times less than expected. These findings tie in with an existing theory that ageing of the body cells creates a natural protection mechanism for disease
24 April 2019
UZ Leuven, KU Leuven, Imec, UGent, Agilent, Western Digital and BlueBee are developing a unique solution to convert genome data quickly and cost effectively into useful information for doctors. The Genome Analytics Platform should facilitate genome sequencing in day to day hospital practice.
24 April 2019
Flemish Minister for Mobility Ben Weyts, AWV, De Lijn, UZ Leuven, KU Leuven and the Imec research centre are joining forces to provide the two leading employment hubs, Gasthuisberg and the Arenberg/Imec Science Park, with high frequency bus connections to the station.
14 March 2019
The European DALI trial has shown that when obese women adopt a less sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy, their babies have a lower fat percentage at birth. This demonstrates for the first time that there is a connection between lifestyle during the pregnancy and the baby's fat percentage.
12 March 2019
A team of scientists at VIB and KU Leuven developed a machine learning algorithm that can diagnose arthritis in children with almost 90% accuracy, purely on the basis of a blood test. The new findings open the door to the use of machine learning for faster diagnosis and personalised treatment.
6 February 2019
Not all ovarian tumours require surgery. In many cases monitoring of benign tumours may be a safe option without the need for surgery. This will also prevent complications following an operation and keep the cost down for healthcare providers.
1 February 2019
A recent study has demonstrated that so-called 'endometrial scratch' treatment does not increase the likelihood of pregnancy in IVF patients. Prof. Peeraer, co-author of the study: "The study clearly shows that we should no longer propose 'endometrial scratch' treatment to our patients as a matter of course."
24 January 2019
University Hospitals Leuven, VIB and KU Leuven has revealed a genetic defect that can cause a very early form of chronic inflammation of the joints. The research results can be a help in developing appropriate treatment for arthritis in children.