Ombudsman service

What may you contact us for?

If you have complaints or suggestions about the service or care provided, please contact the ombudsman service.

If you wish to express your satisfaction with the care and services or thank the caregivers involved, we will be happy to transfer your message to them.

Accessing your medical record

Through the mynexuzhealth app and website, you can access your medical record with data dating from 15 August 2016 onwards.

If you would like a copy of your medical record, please fill in the request form here.

Access to your (minor) children's records

The age of your child determines the request procedure:

Granting a trusted person access to your record

You may appoint a trusted person (partner, parent, child, friend...). This person can

  • find out about your health status,
  • consult your patient record and
  • request a copy of your record.

You (the patient) may revoke access at any time via mynexuzhealth.

Representative, foster parent, care proxy or administrator

  • As a patient, you may grant a power of attorney to a representative. The representative acts if the patient cannot exercise their rights as a patient for themselves and unable to make decisions about the health care to be provided.
    See the form to appoint a representative on the Federal Public Service website. Return it completed and signed to the ombudsman service.
  • When an adult is partially or no longer able to care for themselves, an administrator may be appointed to take care of medical matters.
  • Within the hospital system, you may become a care proxy for another patient.
  • Foster parents may also access their foster children's records.

Contact the ombudsman service for more information.

What may you not contact us for?

Do you have a question or complaint about your invoice or settlement? Contact the medical administration.

A medical accident or incident is an unintended event that has led, could have led or (still) might lead to patient harm as a result of a medical procedure, hospitalisation or medical examination.

Reporting an incident

If, as a patient, you were involved in an incident, or something happened that could have gone differently, you can report it at  In this way, you can help us further improve the safety of our care.

For complaints related to a medical incident or accident, please contact the legal department:

Complaints related to property damage or the loss of personal items are investigated by the legal department:

Please note that not every report of material damage gives rise to compensation. This depends on the exact circumstances and the extent to which UZ Leuven is liable for the damage.

You can contact the UZ Leuven GDPR team with questions and concerns about the protection of your data and with requests to exercise your rights or submit your complaints.



UZ Leuven gasthuisberg campus
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven
Last edit: 28 June 2024