Interstitial lung disease

Diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD)
A term used for more than 200 conditions characterized by inflammation and fibrosis (damage caused by scar tissue formation) in the space between the lung alveoli and blood vessels.


Interstitial lung disease


There are more than 200 different entities, which are very similar but require specific approaches.

The most important include:

View the full list of interstitial lung diseases.


The main symptom of interstitial lung disease is shortness of breath, especially during exertion. However, shortness of breath is a vague complaint with many potential causes, which is why patients often experience symptoms for a long time before deciding to see a doctor.

Learn more about possible symptoms.


Symptoms are clearly non-specific, and it often takes time to establish an accurate diagnosis. A series of tests is needed to make the correct diagnosis.

Learn more about tests and diagnosis.


The lungs are a network of airways ending in alveoli. These alveoli allow oxygen from the air you breathe to pass into your bloodstream.

When the walls of the alveoli harden (due to inflammation or scarring), oxygen cannot sufficiently reach the blood, causing breathlessness, especially during exertion.


Here are some potential treatments for this condition. After diagnosis, your doctor, together with other specialists, will determine the best solution for you. Your treatment may differ from the therapies listed below.


If you are (suspected of) suffering from this condition, one or more of the following tests may be performed:



UZ Leuven gasthuisberg campus
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven
Last edit: 28 january 2025