
17 May 2021
One in five people admitted to the hospital run a risk of malnutrition. A good nutritional follow-up of these patients is important, because they have a higher risk of mortality during their admission or within the first month after their admission and they have to be readmitted more often.
6 May 2021
Leuven researchers found a way of predicting whether immunotherapy will catch on in patients with early-stage breast cancer. The tumour tissue of 40 patients was examined before and after a first treatment with anti-PD1 immunotherapy. 1 in 3 patients showed a response.
5 May 2021
For the first time, more than 50 Flemish hospitals reported their results and survical rates for lung cancer to the Flemish Institute for Quality of Care (VIKZ). It concerns patients that were diagnosed between 2012 and 2016. UZ Leuven is the largest treatment centre and can present excellent figures.
5 May 2021
In Flanders, the survival figures of patients with rectal cancer are of the highest in Europe. But figures can be improved still. Leuven doctors warn that there are still big differences in the results between hospitals and push for more centralisation via a volume standard.
5 May 2021
As of 5 May anyone coming to the Gasthuisberg campus by bike can visit the brand-new Velo bike point.
3 May 2021
UZ Leuven researchers have shown that a combination therapy of methotrexate and cortisone is the optimal start treatment for patients with early rheumatoid arthritis, regardless of the severity of their prognosis. These are the results from a 5 year trial in various Flemish rheumatology centres.
1 May 2021
A gigantic radiation machine revolving around you while you're all alone in a medical bunker: a treatment in the Leuven proton therapy centre can be pretty frightening for children. To familiarise them a bit with what will happen in the hospital, a Lego building set was devised.
30 April 2021
In April 2020 the children's hospital launched the #kunstuitmijnkamer project (art from my room). More than 100 children took the chance to express their feelings, thoughts and imagination during corona times on a canvas. Their attractive creations are now being exhibited in the hospital and online.
22 April 2021
Children and youngsters with primary immunodeficiency have to learn to deal with their rare disorder from an early age. Which is why the UZ Leuven paediatric immunodeficiency department started the CARE4KIDS project, focussing on psychosocial support and education of young patients and their social surroundings.
25 March 2021
Patients that go to their GP with symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome can be helped more than adequately with special diet, as shown by an UZ Leuven trial. The results lead to a new recommendation for the follow-up of irritable bowel syndrome via GPs.
4 March 2021
A COVID-19 patient on the intensive care ward with irreparably damaged lungs was given new lungs on 1 Januari 2021 in the UZ Leuven transplant centre. It is the first time in the Benelux that someone on an intensive care COVID-19 ward gets a lung transplant.
1 March 2021
The fight against COVID-19 had an enormous impact on our operation and demanded a real tour de force from our staff. And yet it was not all about corona: 2020 also saw a lot of other realisations. With dedication, knowledge and skill we put our vision of pushing boundaries together more than ever into practice.