
1 July 2021
Civilian help for first aid in case of heart attacks or stroke in neighbouring countries as the Netherlands & Germany for much higher survival rates dan in ons land. Commissioned by the government, emergency doctors at UZ Leuven are now researching how the system of medical first responders can be applied in Belgium.
21 June 2021
In 2025, KU Leuven and UZ Leuven will be opening a new public experience centre on the Hertogen site in Leuven. The Vesalius project will be dedicated to scientific research, care and society. The university will be restoring two historic buildings to house the project.
16 June 2021
Leuven researchers have discovered that stomach problems are often linked to an inflamation of the first part of the small intestine. The degree of inflammation is considered to be a new biomarker that can help reach the right diagnosis. At the same time it is an important starting point for better treatments.
15 June 2021
The coordination group for bacteriophage therapy is committed to finding an alternative for antibiotics. As one of the first in Europe, the recently established CBL will select patients in a structured manner, set up a treatment plan and collect data for scientific research.
10 June 2021
For patients with reduced immunity as a result of intensive chemotherapy the antibiotic treatment can shortened safely as demonstrated in a trial on neutropenic fever by researchers at UZ Leuven and Erasmus Medisch Centrum in Rotterdam.
8 June 2021
An international research team led by the University Hospitals Leuven and the KU Leuven has completed a randomized clinical trial on surgery before birth in fetuses with a severe form of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The researchers provide evidence that surgery before birth improves the chances of survival.
7 June 2021
For the first time in Belgium, a team of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons have replaced a mitral heart valve by a prosthetic valve in a minimally invasive way. Until recently this was only possible with cardiac surgery and the use of a heart-lung machine for which not all patients qualify.
3 June 2021
A trial of six Belgian diabetes centres in 254 patients with type 1 diabetes compared two types of devices: with or without alarm function. The researchers were able to show irrefutably that the type with alarm leads to better blood sugar control and gives the patients more peace of mind.
1 June 2021
Eight Belgian genetic centres have started a trial that will examine the added value of whole genome sequencing for the diagnosis of unaccounted developmental disorders and rare intellectual disabilities
26 May 2021
Researchers at UZ Leuven, KU Leuven, VITO and imec have published promising results on the use of a hyperspectral camera to detect protein plaques in the eyes of Alzheimer's patients.
19 May 2021
An international team under the supervision of prof. dr. Eric Legius of UZ Leuven has reached a consensus about new criteria for the diagnosis of type 1 neurofibromatosis and the Legius syndrome. The new guidelines allow a better distinction between the two related disorders.
17 May 2021
One in five people admitted to the hospital run a risk of malnutrition. A good nutritional follow-up of these patients is important, because they have a higher risk of mortality during their admission or within the first month after their admission and they have to be readmitted more often.