
14 October 2022
An online tool lets children with cystinosis talk freely about everything they feel and think about the metabolic disease they have. In a virtual environment they are given tips and tricks by a presentation coach.
27 September 2022
For the first time UZ Leuven doctors and audiologists are testing telemonitoring in patients that were given a cochlear implant for the treatment of their loss of hearing. A new app makes digital follow-up possible for patients. As a result they don't have to come to the hospital that often for check-ups.
22 September 2022
A new international clinical trial with tofersen confirms that the drug can stop ALS in patients with a SOD1 mutation. With this doctors and researchers show for the first time that, in principle, ALS is a treatable disease. The results have been published in NEJM.
16 September 2022
Since 1 August 2022 INAMI (RIZIV) uses a new framework for the reimbursement of remote consultations. Patients only need to pay a personal contribution ('rem') for consultations via telephone or video.
1 September 2022
In a new trial dr. Brecht Decraene examines why some patients with a gioblastoma survive ten times longer than the average 15 months. Acquiring insight in the causes, would make it possible in the future to develop more targeted treatments for this type of cancer.
25 August 2022
Over 15 per cent of all critically ill patients who end up in intensive care with severe influenza or Covid-19 additionally develop aspergillosis, a pulmonary fungal infection. This doubles their mortality rate. A UZ Leuven and KU Leuven trial with international partners has revealed the underlying mechanism.
12 August 2022
Ovarian cancer is generally treatable with platinum-based chemotherapy, but in time, almost all patients relapse because the tumour cells become resistant. A preclinical trial led by UZ Leuven and KU Leuven discovered a mechanism that is at the base of platinum resistance.
9 August 2022
Doctors at UZ Leuven have recently become adept in a new surgical technique to remove the andrena gland. Special about this is that access is done via the back, rather than the classic access via the abdomen. The advantage of this technique is that the patiënt experiences less pain afterwards and recovers more quickly.
30 June 2022
Under the co-supervision of UZ Leuven, new research has found 2 new subtypes of bowel tumours with the help of brand new single cell technology. This information provides new insights to unravel the origins of bowel cancer.
27 June 2022
Today the Centre for human genetics (CME) of KU Leuven and UZ Leuven presented the educational game ‘Crack the DNA code’. The game is a playful introduction to DNA and genetics for children of the fifth and sixth grade which teaches them the basics of genetics in a very simple way.
13 June 2022
On Wednesday 15 June the Leuven care centre after sexual violence (ZSG) will open at the Gasthuisberg campus. Victims of sexual violence can go there 24/7 for medical care, psychological support and forensic research. Anyone who wants to can lodg a complaint in the care centre.
20 May 2022
In a large collaborative effort, an international team of researchers describes a genetic mutation that predisposes individuals to severe staphylococcus infections. The research, which includes key contributions from Leuven, appears in the latest edition of Science.