
12 June 2023
Leuven researchers have developed a genetic test that determines which patients will benefit from an after-treatment with PARP inhibitors.
7 June 2023
Minister for (public) health Frank Vandenbroucke and INAMI have recently announced the legal and financial framework for home oncology and antibiotics therapy hospitalisation. The final legal text has not yet been made public, but it is positive news that the step towards the legal framework has now been taken.
26 May 2023
UZ Leuven is the first to radiate a patient's heart to help prevent life-threatening arrhythmias.
15 May 2023
17 May is World Hypertension Day, a day to raise awareness for (too) high blood pressure. And that is necessary, because an estimated 10 million of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases are partly caused by hypertension.
4 May 2023
Good news for breast cancer patients that want to have children: young women with breast cancer can safely interrupt their hormone treatment to get pregnant. They do not have a greater chance of recurrence of the cancer in the short term.
3 May 2023
This year the Leuven training centre for andrology meets the requirements of the three yearly audit by the European Academy of Andrology once again. As such, the centre maintains its position as one of some 25 European centre of excellence for andrology.
27 April 2023
Genetic and immunological research in a patient with an unknown inflammatory disease in adulthood has given a unique insight in the origin of this type of disorders. The findings were the start of a successful initiation of targeted therapy in the patient.
25 April 2023
Leuven researchers confirm that the lungs of older donors offer as good an outcome as those from younger people.
24 April 2023
For 7 days, Perth (Australia) was the decor of the 24th edition of the World Transplant Games (WTG), the biggest sporting event worldwide for transplant patients. Led by Transplantoux (TPX) Belgium, the 20-strong Belgian delegation also participated in the games, and successfully.
20 April 2023
22 April is the start of World PI Week, a worldwide campaign to raise awareness for PID. The campaign pushes for early diagnosis and access to good care for every patient.
17 April 2023
At the end of January 2023 ten UZ Leuven employees went on a mission to Nicaragua, under the supervision of World Heart Caregivers. Together with the local nurses, they rolled up their sleeves for a week at the operating theatre in the capital Managua.
13 April 2023
By investigating the immunological environment of various cancers and comparing these with patient data, researchers were able to identify a number of crucial T-cell markers that can predict the response on to immunotherapy.