
19 September 2023
Earlier this year the UZ Leuven expert teams that joined the European Rare Disease Reference Networks (ERNs) in 2017 participated in an evaluation of their accreditation as centres of expertise. Following their evaluation, 18 teams can renew their accreditation for five years.
1 September 2023
Good new for patients with Crohn's disease: the new, promising drug risankizumab is since recently being reimbursed. Another two drugs will come on the market soon: one for Crohn's disease and another for colitis ulcerosa, that other chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
31 August 2023
Ground-breaking international research that UZ Leuven participated in, provides important insights about the complex relationship between hormones and male health.
30 August 2023
Anyone facing breast cancer, is in good hands in Flemish hospitals, as shown by recent figures from the Vlaams Instituut voor Kwaliteit van Zorg (VIKZ). However, breast cancer experts at UZ Leuven have some important reservations and urge caution when making conclusions and comparisons.
25 August 2023
At the end of 2021 the reimbursement of the gene therapy Zolgensma® for the treatment of the rare nerve disorder SMA was approved in Belgium. Recently, doctors at UZ Leuven were able to treat a first patient with the commercial product. In case of a timely diagnosis Zolgensma® can influence the severity of the disease.
24 July 2023
Leuven doctors have developed a new model that can predict the growth of kidneys in children with the congenital kidney disease ADPKD based on 3D ultrasound images. By finding out in which children the disease will rapidly become serious, it is better to intervene in an early stage.
11 July 2023
UZ Leuven doctors have collaborated on a large trial into preventive drugs against the cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection after a kidney transplant. They discovered that letermovir, a drug with a new operating mechanism, prevents infections just as well as the classic approach, but has less serious adverse effects.
6 July 2023
All information about donations have been listed on the brand new website Find out how you can support UZ Leuven and through which channels you can make a donation.
4 July 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) can help ophthalmologists recognise glaucoma, the main cause of blindness. Belgian researchers have developed a new AI model and trained it with eye images of patients at UZ Leuven. The algorithm was able to detect glaucoma in 13 external datasets.
3 July 2023
OOTT stands for Oriëntatie en OpvolgingsTraject Thuiszorg (orientation and follow-up programme) for vulnerable elderly people. This customised support ensure that you can continue to live at home under the best conditions for as long as possible.
22 June 2023
Leuven doctors investigated in 1,878 transplant patients to what extent they were protected against COVID-19 after repeated vaccination. The study confirms the safety of vaccines, but found striking differences in antibody production and protection against severe COVID-19-infection.
14 June 2023
The city of Leuven, UZ Leuven, Transplantoux – with the support of IM Associates -, KU Leuven and the Leuven Convention Bureau joined forces to bring the World Transplant Games to Leuven in in 2027.