
4 April 2023
Researchers from various Flemish hospitals examined the relation between endurance sports and arteriosclerosis of the heart. The results confirm the health benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle, but also show that intensive endurance sport does not provide additional protection.
3 April 2023
UZ Leuven doctors have developed a research method to detect new and rare auto-antibodies in the blood. target own proteins or DNA and may indicate towards rare autoimmune diseases. The new technique helps in making the right diagnosis.
9 March 2023
Transplantoux celebrates its 15th anniversary with a special edition of the Transplantoux TIME TO MOVE symposium on 11 March. This association cycles up Mont Ventoux every two years with enthusiastic transplant patients and their closest and dearest.
9 March 2023
Leuven researchers collaborated on a brand new gamma-secretase inhibitor for rare connective tissue tumours. "It is the first time that we were able to find a medicine against aggressive desmoid tumours with convincing clinical evidence."
7 March 2023
The Biovasc study shows that direct treatment of all blocked coronary arteries is better is to avoid new myocardial infarctions in the first thirty days after the first one.
4 March 2023
Obesity and overweight are costing the Belgian healthcare system handfuls of money. Yet in our country, there is no clear guide to addressing obesity care. Belgian obesity specialists have now developed a roadmap. In this, the GP is a key figure who can refer to an obesity centre.
3 March 2023
As a result of team spirit, cordiality and passion for our work, our employees once again managed to combine the best care for our patients with innovative research work and clinical breakthroughs.
27 February 2023
The paediatric departments of UZ Leuven launch the interactive tool ‘Onderweg: transitie binnen kindergeneeskunde’ for chronically ill children and younsters and their parents. The 4 e-learnings with tips, information and personal stories offer extra support in the run-up to the step from paediatric to adult care.
22 February 2023
In the 'Lichtpuntjes tegen Kanker' series on Eén, Siska Schoeters' mobile studio also made a stop at UZ Leuven. Patients Jordi (17) and Britt (15) talk about their proton therapy treatment and you get a behind-the-scenes look of the proton therapy centre PARTICLE.
10 February 2023
Everyone at UZ Leuven is deeply affected by the human suffering caused by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The hospital has therefore decided to donate 100,000 euro for humanitarian aid to the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders.
6 February 2023
For certain types of chemotherapy, scalp cooling and hand-foot cooling can limit or even prevent side effects such as hair loss and nerve damage. UZ Leuven and Think Pink have requested NIHDI to invest in accessible care. And succesfully so: as 1 January 2023 these costs are being reimbursed.
2 February 2023
Every year the leading European Heart Journal selects the top 10 of best scienctific publications in cardiology of the past year. This year the top 10 includes two papers that UZ Leuven doctors collaborated on: prof. dr. Lucas Van Aelst and prof. dr. Christophe Vandenbriele.