
12 October 2021
The sport-medical advice centre, SMAC for short, moved to another workspace. Still at the campus of the Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences, but in a more centrally located and brand new building.
11 October 2021
At the end of September the UZ Leuven department of neonatology was officially named the first NIDCAP-training centre in Flanders. In future, nurses, midwives, neonatologists or home carers will be able to follow UZ Leuven courses to improve the care for premature babies.
4 October 2021
For the fourth time in a row, UZ Leuven has been awarded the BFHI label, a label for hospitals that commit to breastfeeding in a scientifically substantiated manner. For UZ Leuven, one principle is at the heart of this: breast milk is for every newborn the first and best choice.
31 August 2021
At UZ Leuven it is now possible for intended parents to screen an embryo for a genetic disorder that did not previously occur in the family with one single test. Researchers at the Leuven centre for human genetics developed an all-in-one test for monitor embryos for a de novo genetic disorder.
27 August 2021
The national DAWn-plasma trial examined whether plasma, donated by convalescent COVID-19-patients, could improve the outcome for new patients. It did not have the expected positive effect: patients treated with convalescent plasma had the same need for mechanical ventilation and a similar mortality rate.
25 August 2021
For prostate cancer patients with a high risk of of lymph node metastases in the pelvis, preventive radiation therapy of these lymph nodes will increase the chance of being definitely cured. A multidisciplinary UZ Leuven team led an international trial.
23 August 2021
On Monday morning 23 August a Transplantoux peloton started a bike ride to Milan. In five days' time they will cycle to the main European transplantation congress. In the boot of the support car: a melting block of ice.
18 August 2021
The size of a patient determines the amount of radiation required for a successful X-ray examination. A new measuring method allow professor medical radiation physics Hilde Bosmans and her team to determine a more accurate radiation dose.
13 August 2021
UZ Leuven and KU Leuven researchers have discovered a new genetic anomaly which lies at the root of a rare lymphoma. The discovery opens up new perspectives for a better treatment.
11 August 2021
Five years ago 5 European hospitals started developing a sensor to monitor patients in a streamlined way both during their hospital admission and at home. The sensor will be presented on 16 September 2021 at an international symposium on patient monitoring and wearable sensors.
4 August 2021
Food supplements with beneficial bacteria or probiotics can reduce unexplained stomach complaints, presumably by improving the gut flora and by positively influencing the immune system, as shown for the first time by a trial led by UZ Leuven in 68 patients.
9 July 2021
In 2019 UZ Leuven was awarded the JCI quality label for the fourth time running. This accreditation is valid until 2023. There will not be a fifth JCI audit. UZ Leuven has decided to get to work with the new Flemish quality model for healthcare organisations, FlaQuM.