Visiting hours
Visits are possible every day at set times:
- Weekdays: from 16:00 to 20:00
- Weekends: from 14:00 to 20:00
Come with a maximum of 2 visitors at a time. Minor children belonging to the patient's family do not count towards this number.
Limit your visit to 2 hours.
Avoid visiting when you yourself are sick.
In a double room, both patients may receive visitors at the same time. Make arrangements with each other to avoid large crowds in the room.
On some wards, patients are allowed to designate a 'partner in care' who may also attend during the day outside visiting hours.
You may bring a gift. On some wards, flowers and plants are not allowed due to specific medical conditions. Please check with the relevant ward in advance.
Visiting palliative patients
For palliative patients, visits outside normal visiting hours are possible by prior agreement with the ward.
In the palliative care unit, separate visiting rules apply.
Regular short visits are often more appreciated than prolonged visits.
During patient care or doctor's visits, we kindly ask you to leave the room.
We may end or limit the visit if we sense that it is too tiring for the patient.
Greeting card
Wishing a patient a speedy recovery or congratulating a patient? Choose and personalise a greetings card. Your personalised greetings card will be printed by our staff and delivered to the ward where the patient is staying.
This service is free of charge.
Winter infection plan: code yellow
Virus circulation is currently low. Follow these measures:
Wearing a face mask is not mandatory, except if:
- you've got a cold (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, etc.);
- you are particularly susceptible to infections;
- you're visiting a patient that is particularly susceptible to infections.
More information: