Hospitalisatie 7

After delivery, newly delivered mothers and their babies stay in the maternity ward. Read more about the facilities, visiting hours and the course of your stay in the maternity ward.

Visiting rules

  • Your partner is always welcome during the day. Single mothers can designate 1 person as their partner.

  • In addition to your partner, 2 additional visitors are welcome. Own children do not count towards this total.

  • Visits are possible every day between 15:00 and 17:00.

  • Please limit your visit to 1 hour.

  • Avoid visiting when you are ill yourself.

  • In single rooms, the partner can stay overnight and breakfast is provided. For other meals, the partner can visit the coffee bar or take-out.



UZ Leuven gasthuisberg campus
Hospitalisatie 7
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven

Location and accessibility


Discover the delivery room and maternity ward

Televisie, internet, badkamer, opbergruimte, ... Lees wat u ter beschikking hebt op uw kamer.
We encourage the presence of the partner with the new mother and her newborn baby. If the mother is staying in a single room, it is possible for you to stay in the room with the mother and your newborn child after the birth as well as have breakfast there.
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After giving birth, you are at a greater risk of falling. Accidental falls can never be entirely prevented. But you can significantly reduce the risk of falling by following a few simple tips.
How to look after your baby? What care products do you use? How can you prevent falls? Which tests does your baby need? How can you prevent cot death?
Read more about registering the birth, signing up with a health insurer, hospitalisation insurance and applying for and receiving the Groeipakket (a package of financial benefits tailored to each child in each family).
The discharge process when you and your baby leave the hospital. What to bring home with you. What should you pay extra attention to during the initial post-partum period? Which check-ups do you need to schedule?
The birth of a baby is a major event. This may affect how you experience sexuality. Discuss the new situation with your partner and try to understand each other's feelings.
The combination of the sheer exertion of childbirth, the emotions involved with having a baby, the practical and psychological changes to your family life and your relationship—the initial period after childbirth is not always easy. A few tips for coping with your new situation.
Last edit: 17 October 2024